Archive for January, 2012
Recognizing Skin Inflammation

Often than not, problem with skin disorders are not usually due to genetics and are rather due to the inflammation of skin. Recognizing skin inflammation or what can be described as the result from over reaction of the immune system to the environmental factors is important to finding the right treatment. Recognizing the type of skin inflammation also can help understand our skin better and try finding a way to not trigger the skin inflammation from...
Removing Pimple Scars using Vaseline

While Vaseline is known to moisturize your skin due to its petroleum properties in the product, removing pimple scars using Vaseline can hardly work as there is no known proven fact on this theory. If you are keen to remove your pimple scares, you can always opt for more surgical methods. Meanwhile, there are still a few number of methods that you can opt for to try at home. Rule of thumb, always remember that it is not possible to remove the scars...
Tips to Prevent Premature Aging

No one wants to look like they are 60 when they are only 40 and the main reason is due to the skin aging prematurely. To look and stay looking young, there are a few tips to prevent premature aging that I can share with you. With the tips to prevent premature aging, your skin will be rid from pigmentation that is often the cause of dull looking skin which is related to old skin. The first tip to prevent premature aging is to protect your skin by...